Katie Talbott - Mindfulness-Based Counseling


Want the change. Be inspired by the flame
Where everything shines as it disappears.





Little Heart Space
Community Space

Seattle NVC Classes
Training in Nonviolent Communication

Seattle Artist's Way Center
Classes based on the Artist's Way book 

Seattle Insight Meditation Society
Buddhist meditation classes and retreats

Rachel Carey DeBusk
Inspirational fitness coach and trainer

Seattle Hakomi Education Network
Classes for the public in Hakomi principles

Amy C. Darling
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine 

Counseling Washington
Info for people looking for a therapist.





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Mindfulness emphasizes living life more fully by being in touch with the present moment, which is actually the only moment in which we are ever alive, and, through awareness, learning to accept and honor and work with the full range of our emotions and thoughts without becoming imprisoned by them.

--Jon Kabat-Zinn